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2024-02-06 15:38:17
美  英
n.  罗克珊娜(f


  1. Roxanas bosom was heaving with suppressed passion. 罗克珊抑制满腔的怒火,胸膛一起一伏。
  2. Visitantes extranjeros como Roxana son super bienvenidos en China! (中国人民欢迎小R这样的外国朋友!)
  3. Percys wife gives birth to a boy on the same day as one of her slaves, Roxana. 珀西的妻子与其女奴罗萨娜在同一天各自生下了一个男孩。
  4. No details have been released of the evidence against Roxana Saberi, as a/ her trial was held behind closed doors. 由于沙贝里的审判过程不对外公布,目前没有透露任何表明其有罪的证据。
  5. Roxana Saberi was sentenced to eight years in prison on allegations she spied for the US. RoxanaSaberi之前被判入狱8年,原因是所宣称的她为美国从事间谍活动。
  6. Finishing reading the story of Roxana, readers are also concerned about why the fortunate mistress ends up in calamity. 娱乐圈名模当道;整形蔚为时尚。其中又以女性受益/害最深。