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2024-02-06 15:40:17
美  英
sp.  罗克斯巴勒郡[英国苏格兰原郡名]


  1. But history needs not repeat itself, says Roxburgh. 不过罗克斯巴勒说,历史并不一定会重演。
  2. Milutinovic inspired Costa Rica to their famous 1-0 win against Andy Roxburghs Scotland in Genoa in 1990. 在1990年世界杯热那亚赛场上,米卢使哥斯达黎加队力挫安迪·罗克斯伯勒率领的苏格兰队,实现了他们著名的1比0胜利。
  3. Mostly, its the nature of the assets they hold, says one of the reports co-authors, Charles Roxburgh. 报告的作者之一罗克斯巴勒(Charles Roxburgh)说,这主要是由他们所持资产的性质决定的。
  4. Buyi people like drinking and are adept at wine-making including glutinous rice wine and roxburgh rose etc. 布依族人会酿酒、好饮酒。其酿制的酒有糯米酒、刺梨酒、白烧酒等。
  5. Clarke Roxburgh - Commercial insurance, personal insurance, and independent financial advice, with offices in Hereford, Ledbury, and Ross-on-Wye. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
  6. Developing-world investors are getting smarter and more sophisticated, and this, says Roxburgh, is a natural and healthy trend. 罗克斯巴勒说,发展中国家投资者变得越来越精明老练,这是一种自然而健康的趋势。