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2024-02-06 15:43:17
美[rɔɪæl]  英[rɔɪæl]
n.  蛋糕饰块(用作汤中饰菜)


  1. The royal palace was filled with intrigue. 皇宫中充满了勾心斗角。
  2. This document carries the royal seal. 这份文件上盖有王室印章。
  3. They gave us a right royal welcome. 他们非常隆重地欢迎了我们。
  4. The new law has received the royal assent. 新的法规已得到国王的批准。
  5. She is a member of the Royal College of Nursing. 她是皇家护士协会的会员。
  6. The coach bears the royal coat of arms. 这辆大马车上有王室的盾形纹章。