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2024-02-06 16:25:17
美  英
n.  无线电电传打字电报发射机(无线电电传打字电报机)


  1. The program simulated environment of RTT and packet loss rate measurements. NS2目前广泛采用的网络模拟软件,该程序实现了模拟环境下的RTT和丢包率的测量。-NS2 now widely used in network simulation software.
  2. This is one of the focuses for comprehensive treatment of RTA and RTT. (4)死亡人员中,10岁以下占6.;08%25,65岁以上占7
  3. Since no real time RTT calculation is needed, this method has wide applications. 由于算法不需要实时计算RTT值,因而有着较广的应用范围。
  4. This experiment lays a foundation for the optimization of RTT and RTD HEMT monolithic integration circuit development. 实验为RTD/HEMT串联型RTT性能的优化和RTD/HEMT单片集成电路的研制奠定了基础。
  5. It would become a RTT on the upper reaches of the Changjiang River.A logistics zone should be built to serve this port. 其建成将成为长江上游水运装卸中心,有必要为其建设专门的物流园区为其配套服务。
  6. The experiment shows that using of neural network to predict RTT can gain quite ideal result. 实验结果表明,用神经网络对RTT进行短期预测可以得到较为理想的结果。