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2024-02-06 16:30:17
美[rʌb]  英[rʌb]
v.  擦;摩擦;搓;惹恼
n.  困难;障碍;擦
  过去式:rubbed  过去分词:rubbed  现在分词:rubbing  第三人称单数:rubs


  1. 摩擦,擦,搓,磨
  2. 擦破,擦痛
  3. 磨损
  4. 使人恼火
  5. 摹拓
  6. 使相擦
  7. 揉,抚摩
  8. 擦掉,揩拭
  9. 把...摩擦得
  10. 用...擦,擦上,涂上,抹,搽
  11. 被擦掉(常与off,out等连用)
  12. 触痛,惹怒
  13. 接触
  1. 困难,障碍,阻碍
  2. 擦,磨擦
  3. 磨损处;擦痛处
  4. 疑难点,要点
  5. 嘲讽,暗讽,讥刺,挖苦
  6. 【滚木球戏】不平坦,崎岖
  7. 球碰到障碍物滚歪
  8. 伤害感情的东西
  9. 磨(刀)石


  1. vt. 擦; 搓; 揉 move one thing backwards and forwards on the surface of (another)
  2. vt. & vi. 接触; 摩擦 come into, or be in, contact with, by a sliding or up and down movement


  1. an unforeseen obstacle
  2. the act of rubbing or wiping;

    "he gave the hood a quick rub"

  1. move over something with pressure;

    "rub my hands" "rub oil into her skin"

  2. cause friction;

    "my sweater scratches"

  3. scrape or rub as if to relieve itching;

    "Dont scratch your insect bites!"


  1. rub briskly轻快地搓
  2. rub incessantly不停地摩擦
  3. rub injuriously致伤地摩擦
  4. rub mechanically机械地摩擦
  5. rub skillfully熟练地揉
  6. rub along勉强相处
  7. rub down a horse把马梳洗得光滑
  8. rub down rough points把粗糙的尖端擦光
  9. rub in擦进表层
  10. rub off colour使颜色显得暗淡
  11. rub off rust擦掉铁锈
  12. rub sb out把某人干掉
  13. rub through勉强渡过
  14. rub together互相摩擦
  1. rub against使…沾上
  2. rub sth into the skin把某物擦进皮肤
  3. rub out of sth擦某物
  4. rub with stone用石块摩擦


  1. I rubbed the window with a cloth.我用一块布擦窗子。
  2. We may have to rub polish on the floor.我们可能得在地板上涂上光剂了。
  3. He asked me to rub up the silver.他让我把银器擦一擦。
  4. The wheels rubbing on the mudguard.车轮蹭著了挡泥板。
  5. It is an Eskimo custom to rub noses as a greeting.相互摩擦鼻子以示问候是爱斯基摩人的习俗。
  6. He rubbed his hands to keep them warm.他揉搓着双手来取暖。
  7. His laziness was beginning to rub me.他的懒惰开始激怒我了。
  1. We need money badly, but theres the rub: no one will lend us any.我们急需要钱,但困难的是:谁也不会借钱给我们。
  2. There lies the rub.障碍就在这。
  3. Mum has given the spoons a good rub to make them clean.妈妈已经把这些匙擦干净了。


    rub的基本意思是“擦; 搓; 揉”。引申可作“摩擦”“接触”解。 rub可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。rub还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。 rub along的意思是“勉强地相处”; rub away 的意思是“擦去; 消除”; rub it in的意思是“触别人的痛处”; rub through的意思是“勉强渡过”; rub up against的意思是“偶然碰到”; rub up原意是“擦亮”,引申可表示“温习”; rub shoulders with sb 的意思是“亲切交往,接触(群众) ”。 rub的过去式和过去分词均为rubbed。