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2024-02-06 17:05:16
美[ruːbɪkənd]  英[ruːbɪkənd]
adj.  红的;透红的


  1. inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life;

    "a ruddy complexion" "Santas rubicund cheeks" "a fresh and sanguine complexion"


  1. His rubicund face expressed consternation and fatigue. 他那红通的脸显得又惊惶又疲乏。
  2. Passepartout, usually so rubicund, was fairly white with suspense. 路路通因为过分激动,一向红润的面孔都气得发白了。
  3. Regular use helps dark, coarse skin become soft, fair and rubicund. 令肌肤白皙红润,柔嫩舒爽。
  4. The companion, Miss Clark, was a woman of sixty, a stout cheery woman with a beaming rubicund face. 妻子的看护,克拉克小姐,是个六十岁的女人,是个结实而快乐的女人有一张红润光洁的脸。
  5. The peach essence helps to deeply moisturize skin, and make buttocks as attractive as peaches with rubicund, stretchy, bouncy skin and round shapes. 添加水蜜桃精华,深层滋润紧实臀肌, 就像水蜜桃一样、形状相同的浑圆部份紧紧相扣,并微微上翘,皮肤白里透红,轻轻弹指便有蹦蹦跳跳的弹力感觉,拥有凸凹有致的曼妙曲线。
  6. Silently, the elegant weapon descended, its auburn blade slicing cleanly through its mark, spilling the rubicund treasure of the mans blood onto the dark ground. 无声无息,一道完美的刀光劈过,赤色的锋刃干净利落地切断目标,男人鲜红的鲜血洒在了黑土地上。