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2024-02-06 18:17:16
美[rʌfl]  英[rʌfl]
n.  褶饰;花边
v.  弄皱或弄乱某物;扰乱;激怒
  名词:ruffler  过去式:ruffled  过去分词:ruffled  现在分词:ruffling  第三人称单数:ruffles


  1. [C]褶裥花边 a ruff,collar,ring,or border made of cloth,that is gathered or pleated on one edge
  1. vt. 弄皱,弄乱 spread and shake sth,such as feathers or fur,and make them uneven,not smooth
  2. vt. 激怒,扰乱 annoy sb;upset or anger


  1. a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim
  2. a high tight collar
  3. a noisy fight
  1. stir up (water) so as to form ripples
  2. trouble or vex;

    "ruffle somebodys composure"

  3. to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others;

    "He struts around like a rooster in a hen house"

  4. discompose;

    "This play is going to ruffle some people" "She has a way of ruffling feathers among her colleagues"

  5. twitch or flutter;

    "the paper flicked"

  6. mix so as to make a random order or arrangement;

    "shuffle the cards"

  7. erect or fluff up;

    "the bird ruffled its feathers"

  8. disturb the smoothness of;

    "ruffle the surface of the water"

  9. pleat or gather into a ruffle;

    "ruffle the curtain fabric"


  1. Her blouse has a ruffle of lace around the neck.她的衬衫领子镶有褶裥花边。
  2. The seamstress bound the hem of the dress with a ruffle.女裁缝用褶裥饰边给女上衣镶边。
  1. A flag ruffled in the breeze.旗帜迎风飘扬。
  2. A breeze ruffled the surface of the lake.一阵微风吹皱了湖面。
  3. Dont ruffle my hair, Ive just combed it.别把我的头发弄乱了
  4. Nothing can ruffle her gentle disposition.她的温和性格使她遇到任何事情都不会恼火。
  5. Anne is easily ruffled by awkward questions.安娜容易被一些难以回答的问题弄得心烦意乱。
  6. Do not get so ruffled, you should not ruffle so easily.别那么生气,你不该那么容易发脾气。
  7. He was determined, today, not to let Nancy Molineaux or anyone else ruffle him.他今天下了决心不让南希·莫利诺或者任何其他人激怒他。