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2024-02-06 18:21:16
美[ruːfəs]  英[ruːfəs]
adj.  红褐色的


  1. There is some rufous blood on the floor. 地面上有一片惨红的血迹。
  2. It differs in the smaller size of all parts and rufous scabrous tomentum. 它在全株各部分较小和红棕色的粗糙的绒毛层的方面不同。
  3. It is commonly rufous, blade fleshy, pour egg form to grow, because appearance resembles a horse,age and get a name. 一般为红褐色,叶片肥厚,为长倒卵形,因为样子像马齿而得名。
  4. But the Rufous Hummingbird migrates the longest distance, from Mexico to Alaska and back, totaling 5,000 miles. 但是棕煌蜂鸟才是迁徙最长距离的蜂鸟,牠们从墨西哥飞到阿拉斯加后又飞回的距离总计五千英里。
  5. Adult: Tail unbarred pale rufous above, slightly paler and greyer below; broad black band along trailing edge of wing. 成鸟:尾羽上部淡棕色,无条纹,下部稍淡而发灰,翼外缘有宽的黑色镶边。
  6. The rufous and white fringes of mantle and scapulars are not well-defined (meaning, not V-shaped). 亚成鸟上背和肩羽处会有明显的白线,照片中没有。