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2024-02-06 18:22:17
美[rufəs]  英[ru:fəs]
n.  鲁弗斯(m


  1. Rufus: Here we go, are u sure bout this? 要走了,你确定(要嫁给他)吗?
  2. Rufus:This better not be my wife. 你最好不是我老婆。
  3. Rufus:here we go,are u sure about this? 要走了,你确定(要嫁给他)吗?
  4. Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother as well as mine. 13问在主里蒙拣选的鲁孚和他母亲,也就是我的母亲安。
  5. A wild cat(Lynx rufus) of North America, having spotted reddish-brown fur, tufted ears, and a short tail. 红猫,北美大山猫北美洲野猫(北美大山猫), 皮毛有红褐色斑点,有簇生眼,尾短
  6. Charltons Richard Rufus after a busy match for the referee. 查尔顿的鲁弗斯评论裁判。