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2024-02-06 18:44:16
美[ruːɪnəsli]  英[ruːɪnəsli]
adv.  毁灭地;败坏地


  1. in a ruinous manner or to a ruinous degree;

    "ruinously high wages"


  1. The banks managements ruinously failed to assess the real risks their companies took in pursuit of profit. 银行管理层未能评估其公司在追求利润过程中承担的真实风险,导致了毁灭性后果。
  2. In fact, its not a system at all: it is a ruinously expensive, tiring and highly political game in which almost everyone emerges a loser. 事实上,它根本算不上一个制度:它只是一个异常昂贵、使人疲惫而且勾心斗角的游戏。在这一制度下,几乎每个人都是输家。
  3. Unlike many stars, he hated to sing praises to the big man in the leopard-skin hat, who would rule ruinously for three decades. 温杜老爹和许多歌星都不一样,他痛恨那些戴着美洲豹皮帽的大人物,并讨厌给这些人唱赞美诗,而正是这些人将要毁灭性地统治刚果30年。
  4. He can be the prime minister who rescued the banks;or he can be the man who saved the banks but ruinously misled a nation. 他可以做一个挽救银行的首相,也可以成为救了银行却毁灭性地误导了一个国家的人。
  5. Too many brokers were far more interested in earning fat fees for steering their clients to ruinously priced loans that the borrowers could never hope to repay. 数不清的经纪人无比热衷于获取丰厚的报酬,他们将过高定价的贷款介绍给客户,这些贷款是客户绝不愿意偿还的。
  6. It can be ruinously expensive. 贵得要死。