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2024-02-06 18:49:17
美[ruːləˌʃɪp]  英[ruːləʃɪp]
n.  统治者的地位[职权]


  1. the position of ruler


  1. David saw this as a sign of Gods blessing upon his rulership. 大卫视此为上帝祝福他为王的记号。
  2. In the Kremlin, the rulership by committee will bring more jockeying for power. 克里姆林宫中的政治局委员会统治将带来更多的权力斗争。
  3. In the Kremlin,the rulership by committee will bring more jockeying for power. 克里姆林宫中的政治局委员会统治将带来更多的权力斗争。
  4. The fourth column shows the planetary rulership of the triplicities. 第四列的表格代表了三分星座的主宰星。
  5. Thus when the kingdom is in order, rulership is not with the officials. 天下有道,政权便不会落在官员手中;
  6. It has been four generations since rulership has been seized by the officials. 政权落在官员手中,已经四世了。