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2024-02-06 19:02:16
美[rʌmbʌstʃəs]  英[rʌmbʌstʃəs]
adj.  喧闹的
  副词:rumbustiously  名词:rumbustiousness


  1. noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline;

    "a boisterous crowd" "a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand" "a robustious group of teenagers" "beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings" "an unruly class"


  1. The children get very rumbustious after class. 下课后孩子们变得非常欢笑声四溢的。
  2. I feel nowhere to escape......tomorrow will be an other rumbustious day. 因为明天又是喧闹的一天。
  3. Beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings. 在他作品的欢闹表面背后含有一种对于弱势普通百姓的同情心。
  4. The ideal blend of fun, identifiable characters and strong storyline, with a motley crew of pets and pirates, make this rumbustious piratical tale perfect for beginner readers. 当你把自己体重作为一个首要问题来考虑的时候,从翻开本书的那一刻开始行动起来吧,跟随书中的指导开始自己的轻松瘦身之旅。
  5. Tomorrow, Wall Street enters into the time-honoured and often silly ritual of non-farm payrolls. Every fourth Friday, the noisy data creates a rumbustious end to the week. 明天,华尔街将迎来非农就业人数的发布。这已经成了一个历史悠久却又通常十分无聊的仪式。每个月的第四个周五,这个数据都会令当周的市场在喧嚣声中收场。
  6. 1.clamorous; noisy; rumbustious; 2.a hubbub 闹哄哄