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2024-02-06 19:36:16
美[rʌnəbaʊt]  英[rʌnəbaʊt]
n.  轻便小汽车


  1. 轻便汽车,小型汽车,小型单座敞篷车
  2. 小汽艇,轻便汽艇
  3. 轻便飞机,小型飞机
  4. 无盖小马车
  5. 流浪者,游民,经常跑来跑去的人
  6. 助手
  7. 幼童
  1. 流浪的
  2. 徘徊的
  3. 跑来跑去的


  1. an open automobile having a front seat and a rumble seat


  1. He hung up the receiver and called for his runabout. 他挂上了耳机,叫了他的轻便马车。
  2. Funny that an innocuous runabout could stir such feelings of derision. 可笑的是这种无害的小型车竟然能得到如此多的嘲笑。
  3. Among the shows highlights was the appearance of Ransom Eli Olds prototype for a new model known as the "runabout. 这次展览的亮点之一是奥尔兹(RansomEliOlds)一种被称为“小型单座敞篷车(runabout)”的新车原型的外观。
  4. His runabout, also known as the Curved Dash, was the worlds first mass-produced car. 他的小型单座敞篷车也称为弯挡板(CurvedDash),是世界上第一部大量生产的汽车。
  5. There was a largish family saloon (the Fluence), a supermini-sized hatchback (the Zoe), the Kangoo Be Bop ZE and a wacky two-seat urban runabout (the Twizy). 一款有着颇大的车内空间的家庭型客车(Fluence),一款超级迷你型掀背车(Zoe),KangooBeBopZE和一个造型奇特的两座城市轻型汽车(Twizy)。
  6. Yet where the SS makes mincemeat out of its Cobalt LS and LT mundane siblings, the low-performance HHR LT we tested emerged surprisingly as an immensely likable, rugged, unique little runabout. 然而在那里的SS使肉馅走出钴LS和低温平凡的兄弟姐妹,低性能的HHR的LT我们测试出现令人惊讶的是一个极为可爱,坚固耐用,独特的小runabout。