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2024-02-06 19:43:17
美[rʌndl]  英[rʌndl]
n.  脚蹬横木;横档;梯级


  1. one of the crosspieces that form the steps of a ladder


  1. Andy Rundle said."And let this be a lesson to everybody: Somebodys tried it, and its not a good idea. 它对每个人而言都上了一课:有人已经尝试过那种方法了,那不是一个好主意。”
  2. "It has too many false positives to be useful," says Rundle, a professor of physics, geology and engineering at U. “氡气预测系统有太多虚假的确实性,这导致它已经没有用处了。”
  3. Gallery: Travel Photo Tips Sunlight bursting through storm clouds cast golden light on Mount Rundle in Alberta, Canada. 意译:旅游的顶尖图片集。阳光爆发通过风暴云层投下金色光亮在rundle山,亚伯达,加拿大。
  4. Sunlight bursting through storm clouds cast golden light on Mount Rundle in Alberta, Canada. 意译:旅游图片摄影忠告。阳光突破风暴云投掷在加拿大阿尔伯塔金光在亚伯达伦德山。
  5. After the English test Taiwanese students went to one of the RUNDLE MALL’s coffee to ate our lunch and talk about our host family. 经过了一整个上午的分班考试后,台湾的学生一起相约到一家咖啡厅外吃各自寄宿家庭准备的午餐,大家一边吃一边讨论著自己的寄宿家庭。
  6. With regard to the content of subject construction, it concentrates on the construction of scholars, the construction of subject rundle. 在高校核心竞争力理论的指导下,充分发挥学科带头人的作用、加强学科梯队的建设是加强师资队伍建设的关键环节;