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2024-02-06 19:53:17
美[rʌnəbəl]  英[rʌnəbl]
adj.  可追捕的;可猎取的


  1. Tell the kernel and FS that the process is no longer runnable. 通知核心和文件系统这个进程不可再运行。
  2. This software is runnable on the new 5th generation phones. 该软件能运行于新的第五版手机上。
  3. This bit corresponds to the highest priority task that is runnable. 该位对应着优先级最高的可执行进程。
  4. Lower runnable count implies that multiple tasks are waiting for a resource. 较低的可运行计数表示有多个任务正在等待资源。
  5. Represents the time that is spent by the worker in the RUNNABLE state. 代表工作线程处于RUNNABLE状态下的时间。
  6. All thread that are runnable are kept in pools according to priority. 所有可运行的线程根据优先级保持在不同的池中。