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2024-02-06 22:16:17
美[seɪbɪn]  英[seɪbɪn]
n.  赛宾(吸音量的计算单位)


  1. 【物】吸音计算单位
  2. 【声】沙平
  3. 赛宝
  4. 萨宝
  5. 萨宾
  6. 赛兵
  7. 萨宾(Albert Bruce Sabin 1906-1993美国内科医生、细菌学家生于俄国脊髓灰质炎疫苗的发明者)


  1. a unit of acoustic absorption equivalent to the absorption by a square foot of a surface that absorbs all incident sound
  2. United States microbiologist (born in Poland) who developed the Sabin vaccine that is taken orally against poliomyelitis (born 1906)


  1. We have a call for Mr. Harold Sabin. 哈罗德.;莎宝先生有电话。
  2. Chris Sabin vs.Curry Man vs.Jay Lethal vs. 剧情看点: 赛事介绍:Alex Shelley vs.
  3. To prevent polio, the Sabin vaccine uses a weakened form of the virus. 为了预防脑灰质炎,沙宾疫苗使用的是虚弱的病毒。
  4. The Sabin oral antipolio vaccine and the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis are examples of this type of vaccine. 萨宾口服脊髓灰质炎减毒疫苗以及抗结核卡介苗便是这类疫苗的例子。
  5. Sabin is one of millions of Americans who experience memory loss and may eventually be diagnosed with dementia. 萨宾是数百万个正经历着记忆丧失,并有可能最终诊断为痴呆症的美国人之一。
  6. In 1962 Albert Sabin licensed a successful vaccine made from live but attenuated (disabled) polioviruses. 1962年,沙宾将活的小儿麻痹病毒减毒(去活性)而制成的有效疫苗获得了核可。