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2024-02-06 22:39:17
美[sækeɪt]  英[sækeɪt]
adj.  囊状的;有囊的


  1. Petals 5, base saccate to shortly clawed. 花瓣5,基部囊状到短爪。
  2. Sepals oblong, erect, base of lateral pair not saccate. 萼片长圆形,直立,侧的对的基部不囊状。
  3. Sepals oblong or linear, spreading or reflexed, not saccate. 萼片长圆形或线形,开展或反折,不囊状。
  4. Sepals oblong or ovate, erect, base of lateral pair not saccate. 萼片长圆形或卵形,直立,侧的对的基部不囊状。
  5. Lower sepal saccate, abruptly narrowed into an incurved short spur. 唇瓣囊状,突然缩小成一弯曲的短距。
  6. Lower sepal obliquely saccate, abruptly narrowed into an inflexed, short spur. 唇瓣斜囊状,突然狭窄成一内折的,短距。