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2024-02-06 23:12:16
美[sæk]  英[sæk]
n.  袋子;解雇
vt.  解雇;把 ... 装入袋子;劫掠
  过去式:sacked  过去分词:sacked  现在分词:sacking  第三人称单数:sacks


  1. 麻袋,袋,硬纸袋,粗布袋,麻布大袋
  2. <口>开除,解雇
  3. <美俚>床,睡袋
  4. 劫掠
  5. 【棒】垒
  6. 掠夺(物)
  7. 宽身长袍,宽短外衣
  8. 卧铺铺位
  9. 一袋
  10. 萨克葡萄酒,干白葡萄酒
  1. <口>开除,解雇,炒鱿鱼
  2. 胜过,战胜,打败
  3. 抛弃
  4. 洗劫,劫掠,抢劫,掠夺,侵吞,破坏
  5. 把...装进袋里,装…入袋
  6. 装袋运输
  7. 把...驱逐出校
  8. <美俚>上床,睡觉,入睡
  9. 【美式足球】撞倒四分卫,踢足球时把某人扭倒


  1. [C] 麻袋,包 a large bag, usually of strong rough cloth, strong paper, or plastic used for storing or carrying flour, coal, etc.
  2. [C] 一袋之量 the amount that a sack contains
  3. [S] 开除,解雇 dismissal from ones job
  4. [S] 洗劫,劫掠 act or process of sacking a town, etc.
  1. vt. 装入袋中 put into a sack or sacks
  2. vt. 洗劫 plunder violently
  3. vt. 开除 dismiss from employment or office; fire


  1. a bag made of paper or plastic for holding customers purchases
  2. an enclosed space;

    "the trapped miners found a pocket of air"

  3. the quantity contained in a sack
  4. any of various light dry strong white wine from Spain and Canary Islands (including sherry)
  5. a womans full loose hiplength jacket
  6. a hanging bed of canvas or rope netting (usually suspended between two trees); swings easily
  7. a loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the shoulders without a waist
  8. the plundering of a place by an army or mob; usually involves destruction and slaughter;

    "the sack of Rome"

  9. the termination of someones employment (leaving them free to depart)
  1. plunder (a town) after capture;

    "the barbarians sacked Rome"

  2. terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position;

    "The boss fired his secretary today" "The company terminated 25% of its workers"

  3. make as a net profit;

    "The company cleared $1 million"

  4. put in a sack;

    "The grocer sacked the onions"


  1. get the sack被解雇
  2. give sb the sack解雇某人
  3. have the sack for being lazy因懒惰被解雇
  4. put the sack on sbs back把麻袋放在某人背上
  1. mail sack邮包
  1. sack for因…而解雇(某人)
  1. sack the grain装粮食
  2. sack a person解雇某人
  3. sack the potatoes装土豆
  4. sack the rice装大米
  5. sack a town洗劫某城
  1. sack in〔out〕上床睡觉
  2. sack up获取利润


  1. There is a sack of potatoes in the corner of the room.屋子一角有一袋马铃薯。
  2. He tumbled his clothes and books into a big sack.他把他的衣服和书胡乱装进一只大口袋。
  3. The poor guy got the sack yesterday.那个可怜的家伙昨天给辞退了。
  1. If you are late again, the boss will sack you.如果你再迟到,老板就会解雇你。
  2. The child sacked the toys and went to bed.那个孩子把玩具装进了袋子,然后上床睡觉。
  3. Imperial troops sacked Rome in 1527.皇家军队于1527年洗劫了罗马城。


    sack可用作单位词,如果sack of修饰不可数名词,则只需将sack变成复数形式; 如果修饰可数名词,则名词要变成复数形式, sack也要变成复数形式。sack of前还可有数词和不定冠词a修饰。
    sack用作名词时意思是“袋”,转化为动词意为把某物“装入袋中”,引申可表示“洗劫”“开除”等。 sack一般只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。作“开除”解时,常用于被动结构,用for引出被开除的原因。 sack在美国俚语里有时也可用作不及物动词,常与in或out连用表示“上床睡觉”,较粗俗。