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2024-02-06 23:30:16
美[sækrɪfaɪs]  英[sækrɪfaɪs]
n.  牺牲;祭品;供奉
vt.  牺牲;亏本出售;供奉
vi.  献祭;(棒球)作牺牲一击
  名词:sacrificer  过去式:sacrificed  过去分词:sacrificed  现在分词:sacrificing  第三人称单数:sacrifices


  1. 祭品,献祭,祭牲,供奉,供品
  2. 牺牲,舍身,献身,牺牲的行为
  3. 亏本出售的商品; 亏本出售,大贱卖
  4. <美>【棒】牺牲打
  5. 损失
  6. 【宗】基督的献身;圣餐
  7. 【桥牌】牺牲叫牌
  1. 牺牲;让...做出牺牲
  2. 献祭,作祭品,祭祀,以作祭献
  3. 献出,把...奉献给...
  4. 亏本出售,廉价卖出,贱卖
  5. <美>【棒】作牺牲打
  6. 【桥牌】做牺牲叫


  1. [U] [C] 牺牲,舍身 loss or giving up of sth of value, especially for what is believed to be a good purpose
  2. [C] 献祭,供奉 offering of sth valuable, often a slaughtered animal, to a god
  3. [C] 祭品 such an offering; thing offered in this way
  1. vt. 以…作为祭品 give or offer (sth) as a sacrifice to a god
  2. vt. 牺牲 give up as a sacrifice
  3. vt. 贱卖 sell at a loss


  1. the act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.
  2. personnel that are sacrificed (e.g., surrendered or lost in order to gain an objective)
  3. a loss entailed by giving up or selling something at less than its value;

    "he had to sell his car at a considerable sacrifice"

  4. the act of killing (an animal or person) in order to propitiate a deity
  5. (baseball) an out that advances the base runners
  1. endure the loss of;

    "He gave his life for his children" "I gave two sons to the war"

  2. kill or destroy;

    "The animals were sacrificed after the experiment" "The general had to sacrifice several soldiers to save the regiment"

  3. sell at a loss
  4. make a sacrifice of; in religious rituals


  1. fall a sacrifice to成为…的牺牲品
  2. fear no sacrifice不怕牺牲
  3. make〔offer〕 a sacrifice作出牺牲
  1. great〔useless〕 sacrifice巨大〔无用〕的牺牲
  2. needless〔unnecessary〕 sacrifice不必要的牺牲
  1. at any sacrifice不惜任何牺牲
  2. by the sacrifice of principles牺牲原则
  3. with a great sacrifice of time牺牲很多时间
  1. sacrifice for为…而牺牲〔放弃〕
  2. sacrifice ones future for为了…而牺牲自己的前途
  3. sacrifice ones life for为…牺牲自己的生命
  4. sacrifice oneself for a just cause为正义事业而献身
  5. sacrifice ones life for the country为国捐躯
  6. sacrifice oneself for the sake of ones children为了子女牺牲了自己
  7. sacrifice to向…献祭,把…贡献给,为…而牺牲
  8. sacrifice beauty to accuracy(文章)为了准确宁可不美
  9. sacrifice an animal to the gods向神献祭动物
  10. sacrifice to idols供奉偶像
  11. sacrifice public interest to the private损公肥私
  12. sacrifice polish to speed为追求速度而放弃对文字的推敲润饰
  1. sacrifice ones pleasures牺牲某人的娱乐
  2. sacrifice ones time牺牲某人的时间
  1. sacrifice bloodlessly不流血地牺牲
  2. sacrifice deliberately故意贱卖
  3. sacrifice economically便宜地卖
  4. sacrifice fatally注定要牺牲
  5. sacrifice heartlessly残忍地贱卖
  6. sacrifice heroically英勇牺牲
  7. sacrifice personally个人牺牲
  8. sacrifice readily轻易放弃
  9. sacrifice shamefully无耻地贱卖
  10. sacrifice supremely极大地牺牲


  1. He gave his life as a sacrifice for his country.他为国牺牲了。
  2. She made a big sacrifice for her position today.她为今天的职位付出了很大的代价。
  3. They offered a sacrifice to propitiate the god.他们供奉祭品以慰诸神。
  4. A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess.向女神祭献了一头牺牲小牛。
  5. They offered a sacrifice to propitiate the god.他们供奉祭品以慰诸神。
  6. In the first scene, I sacrifice a sheep, taking its heart.第一幕场景中,我供奉了一只羊,取出了它的心脏。
  1. You must not sacrifice studies for pleasure.你不能为享乐而牺牲学业。
  2. Its the companys policy to sacrifice short-term profits for the sake of long-term growth.为长期发展而牺牲短期利润是公司的方针。
  3. He sacrificed his car when he go abroad to work.他到海外去工作的时候亏本出售了他的汽车。
  4. The high priest sacrificed the goat on the altar.大祭司把山羊供奉在祭坛上。
  1. Sacrifice is the ultimate act of self-giving love.献祭却是最舍己的爱的行动。
  2. I have come to sacrifice to Jehovah.我来是要向耶和华献祭。
  3. As an additional cost to play Shard Volley, sacrifice a land.作为碎片齐发的额外费用,牺牲一快地。


    sacrifice用作名词时基本意思是“祭品”,转化为动词意为“以…作为祭品”,引申可表示某人为了更重要、更珍贵的人或理想而“奉献”或“牺牲”自己的利益、事业等,含有自我克制的意味,有时还可表示“贱卖”。 sacrifice只用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。表示“为…牺牲”时,常与介词for或to连用。可用于被动结构。 sacrifice还常接动词不定式作目的状语。