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2024-02-06 23:53:17
美[sædəlˌbæk]  英[sædlbæk]
n.  鞍状峰;鞍形屋顶;鞍形动物


  1. a pass or ridge that slopes gently between two peaks (is shaped like a saddle)
  2. a double sloping roof with a ridge and gables at each end


  1. Saddleback, Middle White, Gloucester Old Spot is far superior. 例如:鞍型猪、中白猪、恪洛斯特斑点猪等都是原始猪种。
  2. Now, the Archdiocese did not return our calls seeking comment and the offices at Saddleback Church were closed. 现在,大主教区没有回答我们征询意见的要求,而且马鞍教堂的办公室已经关闭。
  3. Also indigenous to the region is the saddleback wrasse, seen underneath, which feeds on dead and damaged skin. 在海龟下面的是濑鱼,同样是夏威夷本土鱼种,它食用坏死的皮屑。
  4. But he wanted to set an example at the start of the 2006 Global Summit on AIDS and the Church, at Saddleback. 但是,适逢2006年艾滋病与教会全球峰会在马鞍峰召开之际,华理克想起到表率作用。
  5. And down in Orange County, hundreds of people took aim at Saddleback Mega Church and were met by a handful of vocal counter-protesters. 而在橙郡,上百人瞄准马鞍大教堂,并碰到了一小群当地的反对抗议的人。
  6. This program has been approved by the following school districts: Newport Mesa, Saddleback, Huntington Beach Union High, Irvine, Tustin, Orange, Capistrano and Fountain Valley... 另设有校外学分班。此学分班已经南加州部分学区核准。