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2024-02-07 00:05:17
美[sɑːdənə]  英[sɑːdənə]
n.  成就法(印度教与佛教密宗用语;指人召请本尊;与其融为一体;并将其并入自身之法)


  1. He developed a sadhana practice based on Green Tara Tantra. 后来依照这仪轨修习而成就者,不计其数。
  2. And this Sadhana, definitely, even in the tile is mentions of this. 而我们要教授的这一个仪轨,甚至在标题里,就已经说明了这一点。
  3. I had also reviewed the brief sadhana he composed. See F1647 attached. 我也已校阅过了他所敬造的简轨。请看附呈的F1647档案。
  4. The effect of all sadhana (spiritual practice) is the removal of ignorance. 一切修行最终都是为了清除愚昧。
  5. Vajrayogini Sadhana: The Tantric sadhana of Vajrayogini composed by Dr. Yutang Lin under the guidance of Yogi Chen. 金刚亥母仪轨:在陈上师的指导下,林博士所编的密续仪轨。
  6. Vajrayogini Sadhana The Tantric sadhana of Vajrayogini composed by Dr. Yutang Lin under the guidance of Yogi Chen. 金刚亥母仪轨:在陈上师的指导下,林博士所造。