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2024-02-07 00:46:16
美[sæfrənɪn]  英[sæfrənɪn]
n.  盐基性红色染料;番红精


  1. any of a class of chiefly red organic dyes


  1. The affinity of mast cells for Aldan Blue and Safranin varied with the difference in Aldan Blue Staining time. 宫颈鳞癌间质肥大细胞对Alcian蓝,藏红的亲和力随Alcian蓝染色时间的不同而变化。
  2. Safranin In microscopy, a permanent red stain used to stain nuclei in plant cells. 藏红:一种在显微镜下观测标本所使用的植物染料,可使植物细胞的核结构被永久浸染为红色。
  3. Both left and right patellar cartilage was stained with Safranin O/fast green for the histological observation. 取两组髌骨软骨标本行番红O/固绿染色进行组织学观察。
  4. Gram negative bacteria (e.g.Cyanobacteria) are decolorized, and may be counterstained with other dyes, such as safranin, carbol fuchsin, neutral red. 革兰氏阴性菌(如蓝细菌)则会褪色,但可以被其他染料复染,如碱性藏红、品红或中性红。
  5. The dogs were sacrificed respectively at 16 and 24 weeks after operation.The patellar cartilage were observed with HE, Safranin O, and Toluidine Blue staining under the light microscopes. 16、24周后取髌股关节软骨,经HE、番红花、甲苯胺蓝染色,观察其病理变化,同时采用电镜观察其超微结构改变。
  6. Keywords nitrite N;safranin T;spectrophotometry; 亚硝酸盐氮;番红T;分光光度法;