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2024-02-07 00:49:17
美[sæfroʊl]  英[sæfrəʊl]
n.  黄樟脑(黄樟素;黄樟油)


  1. Determination of safrole and isosafrole content. 英文名称: Oil of sassafras.
  2. There are much safrole in eight sorts of Cinnamomum Trew plants ethereal oil. 在八种樟属植物精油中含有较多的黄樟素。
  3. Objective To develop a method for separation and determination of safrole and 6-methyl coumarin in cosmetics by GC-MS. 目的研究建立用气相色谱-质谱联用法测定化妆品中黄樟素、6-甲基香豆素的方法。
  4. A new method including the nitration and oxidation of synthesis of 6 Nitro 1,3 benzodioxide acid was introduced.The raw material is safrole. 报道了直接以黄樟油为原料,经硝化和氧化制备6硝基胡椒基酸的新工艺。
  5. Abstract The contents of myristicin and safrol in the volatile oil of nutmeg and its processed products were determined by HPLC. 摘要采用高效液相法对肉豆蔻及其炮制品挥发油中肉豆蔻醚、黄樟醚进行了测定。
  6. Safrole is synthesized from catechol through methylenation, selective bromination and Wurtz - Fittig reaction Respectively in yield 85.1%, 74.1%, 72.8% and in total yield 45.9%. 本文研究以邻苯二酚为起始原料;经亚甲基化、选择性溴化、武兹-菲提格反应三步合成黄樟油素;其三步收率分别为85.;1%25;74