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2024-02-07 00:57:16
美[sægəˌmoʊr]  英[sægəmɔː]
n.  次于酋长的头目


  1. a chief of a North American tribe or confederation (especially an Algonquian chief)


  1. It was the editor and proprietor of the SAGAMORE. 来人是《萨加摩尔周报》的编辑兼老板。
  2. At last the Saturday came, and the WEEKLY SAGAMORE arrived. 终于到了周六,那份《萨加摩尔周报》来了。
  3. The old sagamore,One Stab,said,Some people hear their own inner voices of great clearness.And they live by what they hear.Such people become crazy.Or they become legends. 那天终于忍不住截了屏,便有了那张壁纸,不过瘾,然后拿笔胡乱涂抹几笔,便有了这张差不多叫做素描的画子。
  4. Let them come, if they like, be it sagamore, sachem, or pow-wow, 让他们来吧,只要他们愿意,随便是谁,萨加莫尔,萨成,庖沃,
  5. an accident which could not happen to a metropolitan journal, but which happens easily to a poor little village rag like the SAGAMORE. 这种疏漏任何一家都市报纸从不会出,可是对《萨加摩尔周报》这样的乡村小报来说,却不足为奇。