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2024-02-07 00:59:17
美[seɪdʒbrʌʃ]  英[seɪdʒbrʌʃ]
n.  山艾(美国西北荒漠产的一种灰绿色灌木)


  1. any of several North American composite subshrubs of the genera Artemis or Seriphidium


  1. They keep sagebrush under control. 他们使山艾树的数目受到控制。
  2. Sagebrush is common throughout Wyoming and many other states. 北美艾灌丛在整个怀俄明和很多其他国家普通。
  3. Soon theyd entered a stark terrain of sagebrush and red earth. 那是一片不毛之地,路上铺满了薄薄的雪,积雪随着车轮辗过而下陷。
  4. While that’s good for the sagebrush;it’s not good for its plant neighbors. 虽然这样对山艾树比较好,但是对邻近的植物造成威胁。
  5. By this time Sagebrush and I had got the whole thing figured down pretty fine in our own minds. 这时候塞奇布拉什和我已经在脑子里把这件事的前后经过完全弄清了。
  6. Thanks to modern irrigation,crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live. 受当代灌溉(技术设施)之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地方旺盛的生长。