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2024-02-07 01:01:17
美[sæɡə]  英[sæɡə]
n.  烧箱;烤箱


  1. This article mainly discusses that the material choice, the material setting mode in the saggar and the temperature-time schedule influence the quality of ceramic pigment product. 该文主要从陶瓷颜料实际大生产的角度叙述了原料的选择、装料方式以及烧成制度对陶瓷颜料产品质量方面的影响。
  2. The hard & soft materials, such as blue clay, stoneware clay, alkali soil, purple clay and knot, saggar powder, porcelain powder and etc. are used to make glazed tile. 琉璃瓦可选用大青、二青、缸土、碱土、紫砂,木节等软硬质原料及废匣钵粉、瓷粉等原料。
  3. Mineral resources of library area hinterland is resourceful, basically cliff of coal, aluminous alumina, copper, gold, gesso, saggar, quartz, lime waits for more than kinds 50. 库区腹地矿藏资源丰富,主要有煤炭、铝矾土、铜、黄金、石膏、耐火粘土、石英、石灰岩等50余种。
  4. The method of improving the quality of fused quartz saggar was researched bymeans of studying the processing of recipe, finess. grain grading, equipment &firingetc. 从原料配方、细度、颗粒级配及装烧等工艺入手.研究了提高熔融石英匣钵质量的途径。
  5. The article is discussed on the relation ship between the design of saggar shapes and the shapes of firing products in brief , and offer a primior way to calculate the gauge of Bone China saggar. 本文简略地论述了骨瓷素烧匣钵设计与产品器型的连带关系;并给出了骨瓷匣钵尺寸的初步确定方法.
  6. Keywords Saggar;Direct reduction iron;Tunnel kiln; 匣钵;直接还原铁;隧道窑;