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2024-02-07 01:16:17
美  英
adj.  萨赫勒地区的


  1. The dry plains of the Sahel are mostly treeless. 它的干燥平原地区几乎没有树木生长。
  2. This picture is part of a project called "Eaux du Sahel". 这幅作品出自一个名为“荒漠草原的水”的拍摄计划。
  3. I told them I lived in the Sahel, in between Djibo and Dori. 但我对于翻照片这件事感到有点犹疑。
  4. The dry planes plains of the sehell Sahel are mostly trillerstreeless. 地处撒哈拉沙漠的干燥平原几乎草木不生。
  5. "Were already seeing the first climate wars, in the Sahel belt of Africa. “我们现在已经看到在(北部)非洲萨赫勒地带发生的第一场气候大战。”
  6. The African Sahel, just south of the Sahara, provides a dramatic and poignant demonstration. 非洲撒哈拉沙漠南边的沙赫尔地区,便提供了戏剧性的证据,令人印象深刻。