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2024-02-07 01:24:16
美[saɪgə]  英[saɪgə]
n.  [动]赛加羚羊;高鼻羚羊


  1. goat-like antelope of central Eurasia having a stubby nose like a proboscis


  1. Objective: To determine Saiga tatarica content in "Lingyang Qing Fei Pill". 目的:羚羊角是名贵中药,本文对中成药羚羊清肺丸中羚羊角的含量进行了研究。
  2. According to the current statistics, the species distinguished in China include: Xinjiang tiger, Mongolia wild horse, Saiga antelope, rhino, David deer and Douc langur. 按已有资料统计,中国已经灭绝的野生动物有新疆虎、蒙古野马、高鼻羚羊、犀牛、麋鹿、白臀叶猴。
  3. Result and Conclusion: The method of determining the content of Saiga tatarica is simple and creditable. 结果和结论:该法测定羚羊角的含量简单、可靠,可为检测中成药中羚羊角的含量提供参考。
  4. To raise public awareness on saiga conservation to reduce blind consumption of saiga horn. 对公众进行正确引导、宣传和教育,减少对羚羊角的盲目使用。
  5. In addition, deer horn and the grain, saiga horn, and other medicinal herbs are also abundant. 此外,鹿茸、麝香、羚羊角等药材也比较丰富。
  6. In order to unravel the mystery behind the Roppongi Club and Kagura, Saiga begins his solitary battle. 六本俱乐部,还有神楽身上,究竟隐藏了什么秘密?“Speed Grapher” 雑贺的孤独之战开始了。