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2024-02-07 01:26:17
美[seɪl]  英[seɪl]
v.  航行;驾(船)
n.  帆;航行;航海
  过去式:sailed  过去分词:sailed  现在分词:sailing  第三人称单数:sails


  1. 飞行,飞过,飘(过),掠
  2. 航行,在…上航行,驾驶帆船航行
  3. 扬帆行驶,张帆而行
  4. 开船,起航,启航
  5. 坐船旅行,乘船旅行
  6. 游泳,浮游,漂浮
  7. 驾驶(船),行驶
  8. 步态优美地走,风姿绰约地走,仪态万千地走,气宇轩昂地走,昂首而行,轻快地走
  9. 游览
  10. 冒大风险
  11. 顺利通过
  1. 帆,篷,全帆,帆状物
  2. 翼板
  3. 船只
  4. 航行,扬帆行驶
  5. 航程,航行距离
  6. 乘船航行,乘船游览
  7. 帆船
  8. 【空】滑翔机
  9. 缝帆员,帆具官
  10. 航行力


  1. [C] [U] 帆 sails; propulsion by means of sails
  2. [C] 航行游览 voyage or excursion on water for pleasure
  3. [S] 航程 voyage of a specified length
  4. [P] 船 ship
  1. vt. & vi. 坐船旅行,航行 travel on water or across (a body of water) in a ship or boat
  2. vt. 驾驶 direct or command (a ship or boat) on water
  3. vi. 起航,开船 begin a journey across water


  1. a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
  2. an ocean trip taken for pleasure
  3. any structure that resembles a sail
  1. traverse or travel on (a body of water);

    "We sailed the Atlantic" "He sailed the Pacific all alone"

  2. move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions;

    "The diva swept into the room" "Shreds of paper sailed through the air" "The searchlights swept across the sky"

  3. travel on water propelled by wind;

    "I love sailing, especially on the open sea" "the ship sails on"

  4. travel on water propelled by wind or by other means;

    "The QE2 will sail to Southampton tomorrow"


  1. back the sails整帆使船倒退
  2. belly sail风将帆吹鼓
  3. crowd all sails张起所有的帆
  4. fill the sails使帆满风
  5. go for sail乘船游览
  6. hoist sail扬帆
  7. let out the sails张帆
  8. lift a sail扯起帆
  9. lower a sail下帆
  10. make sail张帆起航
  11. put up a sail扯起帆
  12. raise the sails升帆,扬帆
  13. reduce a sail收帆
  14. set sail扬帆起航
  15. shorten sails收帆减速
  16. spread a sail扯起〔扬〕帆
  17. strike a sail突然下帆
  18. take in sails收帆减速
  19. trim sail随风驶船
  20. unfurl sail扬帆
  1. canvas sail粗布帆
  2. full sail满帆
  3. main sail主帆
  4. short sail短程航行
  1. in sail张着帆
  2. in full sail满帆地
  3. under sail张着帆,在航行中
  4. under full sail满帆地
  1. sail for起航去…
  2. sail into驶进…,傲慢地走进…
  3. sail through顺利通过…
  1. sail boat开船
  2. sail the Atlantic航行于大西洋
  3. sail the sky飘浮在天空
  4. sail yacht驾驶游艇
  1. sail in驶进,傲慢地走进


  1. This ship sails for New York on Monday.这船将于星期一开往纽约。
  2. The ship was given the all-clear to sail again.这艘船得到恢复航行的许可。
  3. Can you sail a boat?你会驾驶船只吗?
  1. The sailors heaved at rope to tighten the sail.水手们用力拉绳把帆绷紧。
  2. Lower the sail or the boat will be knocked down.把帆放下来,否则船会被风吹翻的。
  3. They go for a sail down the Thames .他们乘船沿泰晤士河航行。
  4. The ship is under sail, making toward the land.船正朝大陆扬帆航行。
  5. Viking River Cruises and Avalon Waterways are some of the operators which sail the Yangtze.航海巡线和亚洲龙水路线路由在长江航行的人提供。


    sail的基本意思是“帆”,或指乘船在海上或水上的“游览”,也可指从某地到另外一个地方的“航程”。sail还可指“船”。 sail作“航程”解时多为不可数名词,如前有定语修饰时,其前可加不定冠词a。 sail作“船”解时,单复数同形。 make sail有时与set sail同义,意为“起航”,两者后接介词for,但不能接to。 在full sail, take in sail, under sail等短语中, sail前均无冠词,且sail为单数形式,但在take the wind out of sbs sails短语中, sail则须用复数形式。
    sail用作动词意思是“坐船旅行,航行”,指坐船穿过一片水域,也可指“驾驶”,通常是驾驶船只。sail还可指“起航,开船”,有时还可指“平稳或快速地走”,常用来描述女性高视阔步、落落大方行走的姿态。 sail可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语。 sail可用一般现在时或现在进行时表示将来。


  1. 我喜欢乘船游览。

    I like to go for sail.

    I like to go for a sail.

    go for a sail是固定短语, sail前的不定冠词a不可省略。


    To tell you the truth,I have never been in a canoe under a sail in my life.

    To tell you the truth,I have never been in a canoe under sail in my life.

    under sail是习语,不加冠词a。


    They set a sail to the islands in the early morning.

    They set sail for the islands in the early morning.

    set sail表示“开船”; set a sail表示“张帆”。