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2024-02-07 01:43:17
美[seɪnfɔɪn]  英[seɪnfɔɪn]
n.  红豆草


  1. Eurasian perennial herb having pale pink flowers and curved pods; naturalized in Britain and North America grasslands on calcareous soils; important forage crop and source of honey in Britain


  1. Title: Study on Peroxidase and Esterase Isoenzymes and the Uitrastructure of the Space Induced Mutant Leaves of Sainfoin(Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop. 关键词:红豆草;空间诱变;过氧化物酶同工酶;脂酶同工酶;超微结构
  2. ABSTRACT During 1986-1987, the sainfoin seed samples from 4 districts in Gansu Province were exam-ined in laboratory and field plots. 1987年间,在实验室内和田间小区中检验了甘肃4个地区所产红豆草种样。
  3. Lomentum (pl. lomenta) A dry dehiscent fruit formed from a single carpel and bearing more than one seed, as in sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia). 节荚:由单心皮组成的含有多个种子的裂果,如红豆草(Onobrychisviciifolia)。
  4. Morphological studies on srystal sells of Sainfoin 红豆草中含晶细胞的形态学研究
  5. Studies on productivity of sainfoin pasture 红豆草草地生产能力的评价
  6. Sainfoin(Onobrychis viciifolia ) hay 红豆草