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2024-02-07 02:05:16
美  英
n.  (印度北部古代的)萨克耶人


  1. Sakya Script Pagoda in Guangnei Temple. 广化寺内的释迦文佛塔。
  2. Is the Sakya Script Pagoda, right? 就是释加文佛塔,对吧?
  3. Sakya Trizin: It depends on the action itself. 萨迦法王:这要看行为的本身。
  4. Academy of Sakya Davao Inc.Rivera Subd. 菲律滨纳卯佛教龙华学校 Phil.
  5. Caption : lhasa, tibet, CHINA -people of sakya county in tibet. 西藏日喀则地区萨迦县藏民.
  6. Cisi the original allocation for the Sakya (the flowers), after the change in the Gelug Sect (Yellow Sect). 此寺原为萨迦派(花教),后改宗格鲁派(黄教)。