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2024-02-07 02:12:16
美[səlæsətɪ]  英[səlæsɪtɪ]
n.  好色;淫荡


  1. the trait of behaving in an obscene manner


  1. She had had no experience with this class of individuals whatsoever, and did not know the salacity and humour of the theatrical tribe. 她和这一类人从来没有打过交道,并不知道演艺圈里这些人的好色和诙谐。
  2. The relationship between the old Duke and the young woman was put down to the salacity which is frequently found in rich old men. People imagined all manner of things,except the truth. 大家把老公爵和玛格丽特的亲密关系归之于老年人贪淫好色,这是有钱的老头儿常犯的毛病,人们对他们的关系有各种各样的猜测,就是未猜到真情。
  3. The relationship between the old Duke and the young woman was put down to the salacity which is frequently found in rich old men. People imagined all manner of things, except the truth. 大家把老公爵和玛格丽特的亲密关系归之于老年人贪淫好色,这是有钱的老头儿常犯的毛病,人们对他们的关系有各种各样的猜测,就是未猜到真情。
  4. The relationship between the old Duke and the young woman was put down to the salacity which is frequently found in rich old men.People imagined all manner of things, except the truth. 大家把老公爵和玛格丽特的亲密关系归之于老年人贪淫好色,这是有钱的老头儿常犯的毛病,人们对他们的关系有各种各样的猜测,就是未猜到真情。
  5. Activities like salacity, pornography, prostitution, gambling, drug abuse , drug trade and other criminal behaviors are prohibited within the public place; (三)场所内不得从事色情、卖淫嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒以及其他违法犯罪活动;
  6. 3. Activities like salacity, pornography, prostitution, gambling, drug abuse , drug trade and other criminal behaviors are prohibited within the public place; (三)场所内不得从事色情、卖淫嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒以及其他违法犯罪活动;