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2024-02-07 02:30:16
美[sælep]  英[sælep]
n.  一种食用淀粉


  1. A hot salep drink vendor and one selling simit rolls had set up their stands in the street and were doing a boom business with these new clients. 一个卖萨拉普热饮和一个卖斯米特卷饼的小贩也乘机在街上摆起了摊子,正在忙着招呼这群新主顾,生意很是兴隆。”
  2. A hot salep drink vendor and one selling rolls had set up their stands in the street and were doing a boom business with these new clients." 一个卖兰茎粉热饮和一个卖面包卷的叫卖商早已在街上摆好摊位,正在和新来的顾客做生意,一片兴隆景象。
  3. 8.A hot salep drink vendor and one selling rolls had set up their stands in the street and were doing a boom business with these new clients. 一个卖兰茎粉热饮和一个卖面包卷的叫卖商早已在街上摆好摊位,正在和新来的顾客做生意,一片兴隆景象。
  4. 2.A hot salep drink vendor and one selling rolls had set up their stands in the street and were doing a boom business with these new clients. 一个卖兰茎粉热饮和一个卖面包卷的叫卖商早已在街上摆好摊位,正在和新来的顾客做生意,一片兴隆景象。
  5. Salepçioğlu 萨莱普奇奥卢
  6. tubera salep japonicae [医] 东白及