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2024-02-07 02:31:17
美[ˌsæləreɪtəs]  英[ˌsæləreɪtəs]
n.  重碳酸钠;小苏打


  1. a white soluble compound (NaHCO3) used in effervescent drinks and in baking powders and as an antacid


  1. Go to a hospital today, the doctor matched 30 saleratus, what effect does sodium bicarbonate have? 今天去医院,医生配了30粒小苏打,小苏打有什么作用吗?
  2. Pear is unfavorable use together with alkalescent medicine, the tea that be like ammonia alkaline, saleratus. 梨不宜与碱性药同用,如氨茶碱、小苏打等。
  3. Baking soda, otherwise known as bicarbonate of soda, sodium bicarbonate, and, less commonly, saleratus, is a chemical salt with diverse practical uses. 苏打,另外学名也叫重碳酸盐,碳酸氢钠或众所周知的小苏打是一种用途广泛的化学盐。
  4. If there is bath crock in the home, now and then bubble bath, put two spoon saleratus, you can discover dripping wet of him kubla khah after 10 minutes, it is a poisonous tweak. 假如家里有浴缸,偶然泡一次澡,放两勺小苏打,10分钟后你就会发现自己大汗淋漓,是排毒的好办法。
  5. Application of saleratus in fodder 小苏打在饲料中的应用
  6. Keywords hyperuricemia;tongfengnin;little mouse;allopurinol;binghuangshu;saleratus; 高尿酸血症;痛风宁;别嘌呤醇;丙磺舒;小苏打;小鼠;