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2024-02-07 03:34:17
美[ˌsælməneloʊsɪs]  英[ˌsælməneləʊsɪs]
n.  [医]沙门氏菌病


  1. a kind of food poisoning caused by eating foods contaminated with Salmonella typhimurium


  1. Salmonellosis is an infection caused by bacteria called Salmonella. 什么是沙门菌病,感染症状是什么?
  2. Horse sickness: the Salmonellosis, the Streptococosis or the mix infection. 鱼类病:主治多种细菌感染、败血症及其混合感染等。
  3. However, eggs and egg products are a significant contributor to salmonellosis - a major food borne disease worldwide. 尽管如此,蛋和蛋制品是引起沙门氏菌病这一全世界主要食源性疾病的重要因素。
  4. Any of a wide range of mild to serious infections caused by salmonellae are called salmonellosis, including typhoid and paratyphoid fever in humans. 沙门氏菌造成的各种轻重不等的感染统称沙门氏菌病,包括人类的伤寒和副伤寒。
  5. Early this week a warning was issued across the US warning consumers of an outbreak of an unusual strain of salmonella called salmonellosis. 本周早些时候美国向全国消费者发出了一类非常见沙门氏病菌爆发的警告。
  6. Over 150 cases of salmonellosis have been reported across the country.More than a dozen of the reported cases of salmonellosis required hospitalization. 全美国已经有150例沙门氏病菌报道,多数受到该病菌侵染的患者均需住院治疗。