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2024-02-07 03:44:16
美[səluːn]  英[səluːn]
n.  大厅;沙龙;酒吧;大轿车


  1. 客厅
  2. 大厅
  3. <美>酒吧
  4. 酒馆
  5. <英>小轿车
  6. 交谊厅
  7. 大轿车
  8. 客室
  9. <英>雅座
  10. 客厅式豪华车厢
  11. 包房
  12. 高级酒店
  13. 四门轿车


  1. [C] 大厅,交谊厅 public room on a ship,in a hotel,etc.
  2. [C] 酒吧间;酒店 place where alcoholic drinks may be bought and drunk;bar
  3. [C] 轿车 motor car where the area for the driver and passengers is closed off from the luggage and engine areas


  1. a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter;

    "he drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar"

  2. tavern consisting of a building with a bar and public rooms; often provides light meals
  3. a car that is closed and that has front and rear seats and two or four doors


  1. The passenger lounge is forward of the dining saloon.旅客休息室在餐厅的前边。
  2. Concerts were often held in the saloon of the steamship.音乐会常在这轮船的大厅中举行。
  3. Next door is a drinking place called a saloon.隔壁是一个沙龙的喝酒的地方。
  4. The beauty saloon put the price so high that no customer come in.那美容院自己定价过高,以致无人问津。
  5. The saloon stays open all night.那酒吧通宵营业。
  6. The first drink Thursday was on the house in the leading saloon.一些有名气的酒吧,星期四的头一杯酒从前是免费的。
  7. The company is introducing a new family saloon this year.公司准备今年推出一种新型家庭轿车。
  8. The launch of their new saloon received much media coverage.他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报道。