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2024-02-07 03:50:17
美[sælp]  英[sælp]
n.  [动]樽海鞘(纽鳃樽科尾过动物)
  形容词:salpiform  异体字:salpa


  1. minute floating marine tunicate having a transparent body with an opening at each end


  1. The change curve of sNTX and sALP along with the age was best-fit goodness by regression analysis of the cubic regression model(R2=0.142 and 0.343,respectively,P=0.000). 两者随年龄的变化以三次回归模型拟合最优(R2分别为0.;142和0
  2. The levels of sNTX and sALP in osteoporotic group and low BMD group were significantly higher than those in normal BMD group,especially in osteoporotic group(P 与骨量正常组比较;低骨量组和骨质疏松组妇女的sNTX和sALP显著升高(P<0.;01);特别在骨质疏松组升高更显著。
  3. The levels of sNTX and sALP were the lowest in women aged 30 to 39.They gradually increased since the age of 40 to 49,which were significantly different from those in the group aged 30 to 39(P 在30-39岁年龄段最低;自40-49岁明显升高;与30-39岁年龄段比较有显著差异(P<0.;01);
  4. sNTX and sALP were negatively correlated with BMD(r=-0.300 to-0.492,respectively,P sNTX和sALP与BMD呈显著负相关(r=-0.;300--0