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2024-02-07 04:06:16
美[sæltənt]  英[sæltənt]
adj.  飞舞的;飞跃的;跳跃的


  1. "Fly across a company " develop production " saltant card " full automatic, semi-automatic series is soft strapping machine welcomes by the user. “飞越公司”开发生产的“飞跃牌”全自动、半自动系列纸币捆扎机深受用户欢迎。
  2. Abstract: Anthropologismus thought realizes saltant development from Feuerbach to Marx. 摘 要: 从费尔巴哈到马克思,人本思想实现了飞跃式的发展。
  3. Technical progress can be divided for " saltant sex " and " advance gradually sex " two sort. 技术进步是技术由低级向高级发展的进化过程。技术进步可分为“飞跃性”和“渐进性”两种类型。
  4. The development that is our country new-style building materials at present enters saltant phase. 目前正是我国新型建材的发展进入到第二次飞跃阶段。
  5. Aside from,I argue that use the saltant small mouse to experiment is a very good idea, not only is closeness with human, but eco-friendly. 除此之外,我认为藉由突变小鼠来实验的立意很好,不仅与人类较为相似,也不会破坏生态系的平衡。
  6. Market expert points out, gu Ge obtained saltant type to develop in China in recent years, battalion received growth to break through 3 digit 2008. 市场专家指出,谷歌近年来在中国获得了飞跃式发展,2008年营收增长突破三位数。