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2024-02-07 04:17:17
美[sɔːltən]  英[sɔːltən]
n.  盐田;盐厂


  1. For artificially reclaimed area, farmland, woodland, breed aquatics pond, saltern and land for construction are included. 人工垦区分为农田、林地、养殖地、盐田及建设用地等。
  2. The value engineering methods are used in the remoulding of Huludao General Chemical Plant saltern crane after researches, analysis and demonstrations. 本文利用价值工程方法,通过调研、分析、论证,对葫芦岛化工总厂的盐场吊车进行了改造。
  3. The saltern that use acid consolidated a leading group above all, enterprise powerful Party member mentions leader post. 用酸盐厂首先整顿了领导班子,将事业心强的党员提到领导岗位。
  4. The results showed that the areas of land for building, water area and fishery land increased.Paddy field, dry agricultural land, tidal flat, forest land and saltern decreased. 结果表明,杭州湾南岸滨海平原建设用地、水体和养殖用地呈现明显的增长趋势,水田、旱地、滩地、林地和盐田呈减少趋势。
  5. Early last year, the price is relatively low in salt, the company through asset replacement, buy out魁星chemical, placed on the development of the sheep population saltern. 去年年初,在原盐价格相对较低的情况下,公司通过资产置换,置出了魁星化工,置入了对发展至关重要的羊口盐场。
  6. Join the case that interior of Ke Ke saltern supervises now, be strengthened and improve job of business idea politics to talk about a few understanding. 现结合柯柯盐厂内部治理的情况,就加强和改进企业思想政治工作谈几点熟悉。