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2024-02-07 04:19:17
美[sæltɪə]  英[sæltɪə]
n.  X形十字;圣安得鲁十字


  1. It can be used in a saltier sea area also. 与陆上提取冷量方案的对比,可以证明其技术优势和节能效果。
  2. Its saltier and more chewy than American omelets. 这比美国蛋卷咸一些也更有嚼劲。
  3. Because it has no outlet, the lake has gradually become saltier. 由于没有出水口,这个湖的盐度逐渐增长。
  4. Have you ever thought about whether the seas will keep getting saltier? 你有没有想过海水会变得越来越咸?
  5. So, thats why the seas are salty but dont get any saltier. 所以,这就是咸的海洋不会变得更咸的原因。
  6. The Great Salt Lake in the USA, with 270 parts of salt per thousand, is even saltier. 美国大盐湖的水还要咸一些,每千份水中含有270份盐。比较级前边可加的词汇有