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2024-02-07 04:26:17
美[sæltaɪər]  英[sæltaɪə(r)]
n.  X形十字;圣安得鲁十字


  1. a cross resembling the letter x, with diagonal bars of equal length


  1. "Send my letters under cover to my grandpapa, the Earl of Dexter," said Miss Saltire (who, by the way, was rather shabby). 赛尔泰小姐(顺便告诉你一声,她穿得很寒酸)说道:“你写给我的信,叫我祖父台克斯脱勋爵转给我得了。”
  2. SCOTLAND announced its Saltire program of scholarships, with 100,000 pounds in total, for Chinese students last week. 上周苏格兰宣布为中国学生设立了100,000磅的圣安德鲁奖学金计划。
  3. Cowell SJ, Newby DE, Prescott RJ, Bloomfield P, Reid J, Northridge DB, Boon NA; Scottish Aortic Stenosis and Lipid Lowering Trial, Impact on Regression (SALTIRE) Investigators. 背景:主动脉钙化狭窄和动脉粥样硬化一样有许多共同特征,如高胆固醇血症。我们假设加强降脂治疗可以阻止主动脉钙化狭窄的进展和退化。
  4. The first landmark randomised prospective trial published in this field, SALTIRE,17 demonstrated that high-dose atorvastatin does not slow the progression of this disease. 第一个划时代的随机预期试验在这个领域发表,SALTIRE证明高剂量阿托伐他汀不能减慢这种疾病的进程。