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2024-02-07 04:30:17
美[ˌsɔːltpiːtər]  英[ˌsɔːltpiːtə(r)]
n.  硝酸钾(硝石)


  1. (KNO3) used especially as a fertilizer and explosive


  1. What disease can abstruse saltpetre Zun treat? 奥硝唑可以治疗什么病啊?
  2. What side effect does fluid of inject of armour saltpetre Zun have? 甲硝唑注射液有什么副作用?
  3. The medicine of which respect is bolt of abstruse saltpetre Zun? 奥硝唑栓是哪方面的药?
  4. Answer: Can use head Bao his Ding and treatment of armour saltpetre Zun. 答:能够应用头孢他啶和甲硝唑医治.
  5. Whether can armour saltpetre Zun eat after stream of people piece medicine? 人流后是否可以吃甲硝唑片药呢?
  6. Sake, silver, sulphur, saltpetre, charcoal, gunpowder, leather, and tobacco have also been added as trade goods! 酒,银,硫,硝石,木炭,火药,皮革,烟草,也增加了贸易商品!