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2024-02-07 05:08:17
美[sælvə]  英[sælvə]
n.  难船救助者;救难者;救难船


  1. someone who salvages


  1. Name of salvor and type of salvage equipment. 救助单位名称和救助设备类型。
  2. The salvor shall own duty to seek the assistance of other salvors where reasonably necessary. 第三条救助方有义务在合理需要的情况下,寻求其他救助方援助。
  3. Where the salvage operations rendered to the distressed ship and other property have had a useful result, the salvor shall be entitled to a reward. 第一百七十九条救助方对遇险的船舶和其他财产的救助,取得效果的,有权获得救助报酬;
  4. Threat is no longer a concern on the majority of fights as long as you got your trust salv buff. 在多数情况下在拯救祝福的帮助下仇恨已经不是问题.
  5. The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the salvors right to the payment for the salvage operations carried out between the ships of the same owner. 第一百九十一条同一船舶所有人的船舶之间进行的救助,救助方获得救助款项的权利适用本章规定。
  6. Article 191 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the salvors right to the payment for the salvage operations carried out between the ships of the same owner. 第一百九十一条同一船舶所有人的船舶之间进行的救助,救助方获得救助款项的权利适用本章规定。