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2024-02-07 05:27:16
美[sæmbə]  英[sæmbə]
n.  东南亚产的一种大鹿


  1. a deer of southern Asia with antlers that have three tines


  1. Find the file called mappings. Ini (in the config directory) in the Sambar install directory. 在Sambar的安装目录中找到文件mappings.;ini(在config目录下)。
  2. This list describes how to set up the ISAPI module to work with the Sambar server on Windows. 下面列出了怎样在Windows下设置Sambar服务器的ISAPI模块。
  3. This section contains notes and hints specific to the Sambar server for Windows. 本节包含了Windows下面的Sambar服务器的说明和提示。
  4. Tiger killed more adult males than adult females of the following species: chital, sambar and wild pig. 对于白斑鹿、水鹿和野猪,老虎更多的杀死成年雄兽而非雌兽。
  5. Here, Asian sambar deer co-exist with native white-tailed deer and reintroduced red wolves. 在这里,亚洲黑鹿与土生白尾鹿和新引入的红狼和平共处着。
  6. A single tremendous blow of the paw can kill a full-grown wolf or human, or can heavily injure a 150 kg Sambar deer. 单独的一个巨掌拍击能杀死一头成年的狼或一个人,或者可以重伤一头150公斤重的水鹿。