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2024-02-07 05:39:16
美[sæməˌsen]  英[sæmɪsen]
n.  日本三弦琴(形似吉他)


  1. 三弦(琴)
  2. <日>日本三弦(形似吉他)
  3. 三味线(姓,日本)


  1. a Japanese stringed instrument resembling a banjo with a long neck and three strings and a fretted fingerboard and a rectangular soundbox; played with a plectrum


  1. It is played solo, in chamber ensembles (especially with the shakuhachi and samisen), and in gagaku music. 它可以用于独奏、室内乐(尤其与尺八和日本三弦一起演奏)和雅乐中。
  2. Receives “music worship collects” the invitation once more, the samisen on 24th in Hunan University and schoolmates meets. 受到“音乐朝拜汇”的再次邀请,弦子于24日在湖南大学与同学们见面。
  3. He dedicates himself to the study of music and he becomes a master musician on the three-stringed samisen, admired throughout the country. 仁太坊失去父母和师父,同时他的眼力也迅速退化,因此,他全心投注于学习音乐,成为全国敬仰的三味线大师。
  4. In light like waters in 2008 the original musical world, the samisen has left behind deep tracks - - by the love song name. 不论在哪一个中文歌地区,只要是情歌结集出版,都能够有最热烈的回应与支持。
  5. Is big and hungry the samisen originally wants to play knife and fork in the hotel, was only a pity that the hotel dining room may not be 24 hour service. 饥肠辘辘的弦子本想在酒店饱餐一顿的,只可惜酒店的餐厅可不是24小时服务的。
  6. Continues “” the character love song samisen in not to be lucky rapidly in two years, everywhere one visit causes the media and singer fans attention all in abundance. 延续着“不”字情歌的弦子在两年时间里迅速走红,所到之处无不引起媒体及歌迷的纷纷关注。