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2024-02-07 05:55:17
美[sæmfaɪər]  英[sæmfaɪə(r)]
n.  一种伞形科植物


  1. fleshy maritime plant having fleshy stems with rudimentary scalelike leaves and small spikes of minute flowers; formerly used in making glass


  1. "I was fishing for octopi," explained Samphire. “我来这里是为了钓章鱼。”巴奇钦说。
  2. Samphire was upon it instantly and beat it to death with the oar. 巴奇钦跳到章鱼的背上,用船桨打死了它。
  3. Samphire signaled to it with an oar draped with the kings daughters gown. 巴奇钦用船桨高高地挑起姑娘的衣服。
  4. To be on the safe side, the captain decided to do away with Samphire Starboard once and for all. 国王的女儿没有说好也没有说不好,只是回答:“我知道该说什么。”
  5. Seeing him back with the kings daughter, the captain said, "Poor Samphire Starboard! 我们都以为你失踪了,到处找你!
  6. Green though he was with seaweed, Samphire took his place beside the bride clad in white and was joined to her in matrimony. 船长被抓了起来。巴奇钦就这样一身绿色的海草走近穿着一身白色衣裙的新娘,和她举行了婚礼。