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2024-02-07 06:04:17
美[sɑːmjɑːmɑː]  英[sɑːmjɑːmɑː]
n.  瑜伽八支修行中的后三支合并(即摄神、冥想、三摩);内助(印度瑜伽用语)


  1. By making samyama on the independence of the Atman, one gains knowledge of the Atman. 专念于阿特曼的独立性,便得到阿特曼的知识。
  2. By making Samyama on previous thought-waves, one obtains knowledge of ones past lives. 专念于以前的意识波动,可获得与前生有关的知识。
  3. By making Samyama on the discrimination between the Sattwa Guna and the Atman, one gains omnipotence and omniscience. 专念于萨埵于阿特曼之间的分别,人便能做到全知全能。
  4. If one makes Samyama on the form of ones body, obstructing its perceptibility and separating its power of manifestation from the eyes of the beholder, then ones body becomes invisible. 如果专念于一个人的身体形态,可阻隔对他的感知,将他的显现力与目睹者的视力分离开,这个人的身体将隐而不见。3.;22 Thus;also;its sounds cease to be heard
  5. 3.5 Through mastery of samyama comes the light of knowledge. 5通过掌握专念,可获得知识之光。