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2024-02-07 06:57:16
美[sændlɑːt]  英[sændlɒt]
n.  沙地;小孩们的运动用空地


  1. a vacant lot used by city boys to play games


  1. When a local sandlot baseball team found itself without a manager,he kept it going. 当一个地方业余棒球队发现缺少一个领队时,他便做了领队。
  2. When a local sandlot baseball team found itself |without a manager, he kept it going. 当我打球时(尽管我打得很差),他也在"打球"。
  3. When a local sandlot baseball team found itself without a manager, he kept it going. 当一个地方业余棒球队发现缺少一个领队时,他便做了领队。
  4. Since 1995, 31 football players have died from heat stroke (23 high-school students, 5 college students, and 2 professionals, and 1 sandlot player). 自1995年之后,有31名橄榄球员死于中暑(包括23名高中生、5名大学生、2名职业球员、1名业馀球员)。
  5. Beyond the fence at the back of the sandlot menaces a legendary ball-eating dog called The Beast, and the kids inevitably must deal with him. 教练班尼曾经是棒球场上的传奇人物,这九个沙地上的小英雄们在班尼的训练之下,会再度延续这样的棒球旋风吗?此片具有英雄式的励志效果,值得阖家观赏。
  6. As a geographical name, its terrain is equal to the sandbank territories now in the east of Inner Mongolia, which is called in relief as Horquin Sandlot. 作为地理名词,“科尔沁”的地域大致与今天的内蒙古东部的沙丘地带重合,地貌学上称这一沙丘地带为“科尔沁沙地”。