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2024-02-07 06:58:17
美[sændmæn]  英[sændmæn]
n.  (童话中的)睡魔;瞌睡虫


  1. an elf in fairy stories who sprinkles sand in childrens eyes to make them sleepy


  1. James Lee “The Sandman” Irvin vs. Hector Ramirez 赛事:终极格斗冠...
  2. Sandman as sung by the cats and kittens. 动画简介: A rockin good song for Mr.
  3. But if overall productivity is improved, most managers should be willing to welcome the sandman. 但如果整个生产力可以提高,大部分管理者应该还是愿意接纳这些睡仙的。
  4. This is not necessarily such a bad thing, says Peter Sandman, a risk communications consultant based in Princeton, N. Peter Sandman,一位来自新泽西州普林斯顿的风险咨询顾问,认为这样的做法不无道理。
  5. Hoffmanns 1817 short story "The Sandman" features a doll-like mechanical woman, and Edward S. Hoffmann的短篇小说“睡眠之精灵”表现了一个像机器女人的玩偶,而1865年爱德华S.
  6. Sandman cautions against emphasizing the circumstances more than the misbehavior or implying that they justify what you did. 山德曼警告不要强调当时的客观因素,而要强调自己当时确实做错了,也不要为自己做的事情过分辩护。