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2024-02-07 07:06:16
美[sændˌrɒk]  英[sændrɒk]
n.  [地]沙岩


  1. The landslide mainly distributed in Cretacic sandrock area in Helong city . 和龙市地质灾害主要为泥石流,其次是崩滑灾害。
  2. It passes mainly through the purple--color soft sandrock and mudstone in Triassic or Dyas Systems. 隧道主要通过三迭系、二迭系紫红色软质砂岩、泥岩岩层。
  3. The understratum, calcareous sandrock and conglomerate rock, generate dissolution of groundwater. 其下部钙质砂(砾)岩在地下水作用下产生溶蚀现象。
  4. Sound shoot in course of sandrock failure at stope top and floor is of twin - peak character. 大姚铜矿采场顶底板砂岩在破坏过程中声发射具有双峰性,主破裂前存在声发射相对平静现象。
  5. The regional geologic structure is complex.The rock mass is mainly composed of Jurassic sandrock and conglomerate. 其坝址区区域地质构造复杂,分布侏罗系中统河湖相沉积的厚层砂(砾)岩。
  6. The article introduced characteristic of the sandrock water of Tangkou and Tingnan Coalmines, Zibo Mining Group Co. 文章根据淄博局唐口矿,特别是亭南煤矿砂岩水特性分析,提出治理方法,并付诸实施,取得良好效果。